Well, I have a confession to make...I am no stranger to the "art" of procrastination,
that is correct, I called it an ART.
Personally I find often times (as the ultimate tortured artist *ehem*) that waiting until things are down to the wire, until the clock is ticking over my head, tends to fuel the fires of creativity and send lighting bolts of unabashed, fresh ideas sans prefabricated boundaries surging through my veins....
If this sounds ANYTHING like you, I'll bet my bottom dollar that you STILL have not purchased tickets to Nashville's most noteworthy and epic all day party of the year (which i lovingly refer to as "tequila fest") even though you have planned on attending for a year now since you obviously had the time of your life at the 2009 event.
Well loves, set your mind at ease....
there are 2 ways you can go about purchasing tickets EVEN this late in the game
1. via paypal between today and friday.
We will have your tickets along with a record of your payment at the entry gate (will call)
upon your arrival - link to the PayPal addrses can be found off of our MAIN site: www.manuelcouture.com
2. The powers that be ( Manuel, Lauren, Morelia and Myself) have now decided to sell tickets at the gate for cash or check only the day of the event.
I would advise arriving somewhat on time however... as the mid afternoon approaches it tends to start getting a little crowded, we are not sure what time we will completely sell out.
You really don't want to miss this. I promise
Well darlings,
I can NOT wait to see you all this Saturday
Manuel is insanely excited...
P.S. Follow Lwray and my party updates and photos via twitter @LandLforMANUEL
and follow my personal account as well @darlatheoutlaw
We promise to keep those of you that cant make it this weekend entertained and informed...
In other words, we will twitpic the hell out of you.
Lalie Kavulich- Assistant Designer