Proud to report I have a slight tan line already and we at 1922 Broadway are in dire need of a grass cut in our front yard - anyone? Eggs shells are on the sidewalk, we're bustin' out the white suits - in other words SPRING HAS SPRUNG!
However, I'm here to fill you in on more important store happenings. One thing I'm overdue in mentioning is the AMAZING Gram Parsons painting that Dean Tomasek has so kindly let us hang in our showroom. It really goes with our style and although I want it to sell, I'm hoping Dean might just forget about it and let it hang out a little longer. Visit his website to read more about him and see his other work.
As previously mentioned in prior blogs, yes we did work with Gwyneth Paltrow and the costume designer of the to be released film, Love Don't Let Me Down. I probably already mentioned that I was an actress, er, um I mean extra for 2 days on set- please direct all fan club inquires to Lalie. Point being is that Ms. Paltrow was kind enough to mention us and many of our Nashville favorite hangs in her popular blog, GOOP. Thanks so much for the shout out and com

If any of you have been in the store or talked to Morelia in the past 6 months you would most likely be informed that she was nominated for Oyster Queen. Since 1990, Oyster Easter has been the primary fundraiser for the Community Resource Center, a "lifeline" for Middle Tennessee nonprofits. Through natural laughter and charm and the help of some bunnies, Morelia had no problem letting the party know she was here to reign... for at least another year nonetheless!! Congratulations Morelia! (P.S. I think the below pic is a pretty represe

(Pic to left is a still shot of G.P.'s blog, GOOP - to the right the "outlaws"
Another thing I am super excited about, other than the party of course, is a little thing we're preparing for at our #1 watering hole downtown. It's no secret that any given member of the Manuel crew, including Manuel, can be found at our favorite Nashville honky tonk, Robert's Western World, the home of traditional country music - located on Broadway. Don't wanna reveal what's going on yet but I'll give you a few things to ponder on... It's either:
A) Manuel is the new maracas player for Brazilbilly
B) Morelia is the new cook.
C) Lauren Wray and Lalie are getting an afternoon slot in form of the first RIoTGrRl band on Lower Broad
D) None of the above - something way cooler!!
Keep you posted and see you at the party!
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