Friday, November 20, 2009
Limited Edition Holiday Clutch Collection

Women's $250 Shirt!! First release!

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Notes from Manuel's Assistant Designer
OMG (that stands for oh. my. God for all you non bloggers out there)
We have been SO busy these past few weeks at the house of Manuel.
I personally have been very preoccupied with the conceptualizing, brainstorming and designing of the mens and womens $250 shirts .
I know each and every one of you Manuel Couture fans are just DYING to get your hands on one for yourself or maybe as a very special gift for your honey over the holidays.... ladies and gentlemen....let me tell you now....they are going to be fantastic.
In other news, we can now do some of that fantastic black magic to your favorite pair of jeans or that denim jacket you have been wearing since you graduated high school...
we have designs available in the $150-$250 price range OR
We will do custom embroidery and rhinestones on your own personal garment for a special price
email me at lalie@manuelcouture.com for more details....
(if you are wanting to do something before Christmas I am going to have to get your orders by the first week of December)
well friends, I am signing off...
dont look for me at the' fashion after dark' event...although some of my GLORIOUS clutch designs will be available for purchase...
i unfortunately will be tardy for the party due to an emergency wisdom tooth extraction surgery
( please send flowers)
Lalie aka Darla Outlaw
Sitting Across from the Man

I'm so pumped about the new collection of holiday clutches we are working on. They are amazing, they are not typical holiday purses at all, AWESOME, everyone should own one for the holidays. Right now I am waiting for Kelly to get here though so we can roll fabric onto cardboard to make it neat and perfect for Manuel, that is our goal for today! Should be lotsa fun! Nothing we do here is too ordinary, you never know what the task will be for the day, or who might walk in at any moment. I love being here and love everyone here, they are amazing!
I am sitting with Manuel right now, and trying to convince him to sing us a song, while he cuts fabric to make a beautiful jacket. He loves to sing and he is really good, although most of the time it's in Spanish..haha--I think it keeps him in a good mood too, which is great!
-Danielle, Intern
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Another Day in the Life...

I get to work today and Manuel's assistant designer, Lalie, is suffering from excruciating toof (teeth) pain, bless her heart... Manuel makes her an appointment, and poor thing has to get her wisdom teeth out! Wah!! Our publicist, Jayne Rogovin, sent me a very cool link to an article in the Washington Post about Nashville where we are mentioned, as are our dear friends at Robert's Western World. You can read the article here. Mr. Hillbilly Rocker himself, Marty Stuart, stopped by to say hello and check out some of Manuel's new designs. We all love Marty (who couldn't?!?) and it's always a pleasure to see him. Aww... look at these two heart-breakers!!
Later on that morning, John Carter Cash and his lovely wife Laura, came in. Manuel is always super excited to see his friends, as are we!! Days like today are truly what make the things we do worthwhile... new students, old friends, new friends, Showcases... oh and Bruce Springsteen? Manuel and I will be there tonight for a fitting for a certain "E-Street Band" member. I am signing off for now... all of this before lunchtime! Whew!! I'll add more later when I can!!
Love you, Lauren Wray
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
new ! new ! new ! new !

Hi there folks,
As most of you know, we're not too tech-savvy (is that what they're calling it still??) but we are on our way to trying to be at least caught up to 2005 or 2006-ish is far as that is concerned!! To fill you in, I'm writing from the headquarters of Manuel Exclusive Clothier located in Nashville, Tennessee. Manuel is responsible for making Mr. Johnny Cash the Man in Black, suiting Elvis, dressing all 3 Hank Williams, wardrobing over 90 movies, making the notorious Rolling Stones and Grateful Dead insignias -- just to name a few of his accomplishments! We're still crazy busy here. We are exciting to be doing new designs for clientele that are private, and some a little more well-known... Just in time for the holidays, we are offering "custom clutches" and we also have some available in the showroom, moderately priced at about $250-$350... and always keeping in Manuel tradition, each is a one-of-a-kind.
On Tuesday, November 24th we'll be leaving our doors open a little later for "Fashion After Dark". You can read more about the event here: http//www.minniepearl.org/fashion_after_dark/ A portion of the proceeds w

Most of you know about the book project with British photographer, Cambridge Jones www.cambridgejones.com
We've been doing the shoots for a while now and with each visit from our favorite Brit, we're getting closer and closer to the finished line. For press inquires about this publication, please contact laurenwray@manuelcouture.com Our roster of friends (also clients) that have so graciously been photographed is out of sight. No one other than Manuel could bring such a eclectic mix between the covers (pun intended!). We will be releasing the complete list of subjects when we wrap up all the fun legal stuff we all love and adore so much.
Again, thanks for supporting our business throughout the years. Please e-mail us at info@manuelcouture.com or call the shop with any inquiries!