Conan O’Brien looked smashing on the Tonight show and it was all because of a simple phone call. One afternoon, Conan’s assistant Deb called our studio in need of an amazing suit. I thought to myself, “Well you sure called the right place! Nashville’s rhinestone rembrandt is here to save the day!” As Deb described Conan’s physique, it was rather unique and created somewhat of a challenge when selecting the perfect fit for the show; however I knew I had one colorful piece to fit his personality. A mint, green ¾ length jacket embroidered with old school cars and rhinestone accents would definitely do the job. Although we were unable to provide him with a custom-made suit due to time constraints, the one-of -a-kind suit was definitely complimentary of Conan’s personality. As we finished up the details of the order, we discovered that the world is truly small. It turns out Deb, who worked for my favorite late night show host Conan O’Brien, ironically knew my grandfather who we all know as Nudie, the notorious North Hollywood tailor. Deb and I got Conan’s order squared away and everything was just great! As he was going to the Rockefeller Center in New York, Conan personally called me and expressed how thrilled he was to be wearing one of Manuel’s couture cowboy jacket. Everything was awesome! Today Manuel is considered one the premier fashion designers of all time. From the Rolling Stones to the Jackson 5, Manuel has provided fashion sense to a range of artists and has even been featured in the Smithsonian. Manuel continues to design his couture garments at his shop, Manuel Exclusive Clothier, in Nashville, TN. Team Conan!
May your Rhinestones always shine!
Rhinestone Honky Tonk Heiress
I have to say, if you are going to leave, then you might as well go out with style! Conan's face is priceless! When I saw the profile picture on my FB I couldn't believe it. Yes Manuel,you are a genius :)